Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Urban Myth?

This will be the shortest post so far and deservedly so. Why in the world did Urban Meyer feel the need to come out and resign, then take a leave of absence and now he feels that he will be coaching the Gators in the first game of the year on September 4th in 2010. Did Urban need attention? What caused this publicity charade at the Sugar Bowl press conference? Did Florida feel like it needed attention after being smoked in the SEC Championship? Is Urban having an affair? Was this a knee-jerk reaction to something we don't know about? Are he and Tebow going to retire from sports and become missionaries? Are he and Tebow going to try and go to the NFL together? Did Urban realize that Florida won't be the same once the golden child is drafted? I honestly don't know...and really just don't care. It is so hard for a coach to just walk away like Meyer attempted to do. I don't know his exact plan or scheme (and nothing was said to indicate in any direction what will happen in 2010) but Urban Meyer will be coaching in 2010...mark it down. And should he decide to continue coaching next season, his biggest challenge won't be his family and health, but the recruiting trail that he will have to navigate after this fiasco.

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